Friday 28 September 2012

Ally Apple Augustine

Out-of-action weekend chilling on the reef, watching copious amounts of Ally McBeal (by Wednesday night we're halfway through disc 5) and eating home-made apple crumble!

Back in Farringdon this week, doing some Premiere Pro video editing. Mobile 5 job offer still under discussion... for the first time ever I am receiving a lot of signs from the universe on a decision. Deciding to go with it and see what happens (recognising signs from a few weeks ago now too). Thursday night with the PD crowd was awesome - really good to see everyone and it had me smiling all day Friday (even with the hangover...) Sarah had to miss Carina Round because of a stomach bug :(

Augustine website almost done! Ouma's labels have been printed and hopefully on the way, compliments of Loren. Dried apple rings made with an Abel&Cole recipe - interesting... Discovered Amazon Cloud Player - awesome in the absence of Spotify. Can't believe the end of the year is 90 days away. Velvetines gig tonight.

Friday 21 September 2012

Boring But Lucrative

BBL work at PruHealth in Bank - beautiful area with great architecture around every corner - it's so built up it almost feels like NYC. Loving just walking around and feeling lost, staring up at the buildings. Spent Monday at home having another look at my online portfolio - REALLY need to just finish that cycle already! Job offer has shed a lot of light on my current situation. I made the salary requirement quite high, to match the perks of my current life. They have rejected it so far - still in talks, but it has made me see how much I love what I'm doing now.

Started reading Portia De Rossi's Unbearable Lightness at the absolute insistence of Sarah. Now I cannot stop thinking about it. Taking regular bathroom breaks to sit and read! I want her and Ellen over for supper - I think they would love it and we'd all have a great time.

Amir is leaving PD for City Index. Been invited to the leaving drinks (but it's on the same night as Carina! Don't know what to do yet...)

Friday 14 September 2012

Gaga was AMAZING! Could see almost nothing of the actual show, but for once just enjoyed BEING there, with all the other freaks and monsters. We danced till we were sore for days afterwards.

Final week of fencing and it's brutal EpeƩ! One match after another on the electric pistes, boys and girls and some serious bruising. Went to have a look around at Escape 3D Studios - very arty and impressive, but it may have made my mind up about staying in my field for now - if only because of the money.

Flash app is pretty much a success - enjoyed working with a developer and seeing the final product on the web! I built that! Before I left the office for the last time, they called me in and made a casual job offer. Actually considering it, because it's a nice place!

Loving the US political scene unfolding with John Stewart before the elections.

Shopping video still going - discovering loads of interesting features to use in more exciting projects. Enjoying being at home, picking apples, doing the garden, scrubbing and oiling the deck, getting the council to clean out the &^$$£@ dead mouse from the shed, then having a look around and discovering - a SANDER! Promptly dusted off the outside table, sanded it down, tightened up the screws and bolts, and used the last of the decking oil to make it look almost brand new.

Friday 7 September 2012

Planning our Kruger National Park weekend with Oom Dirk. Flash project suddenly overturned with new AS3 requirement. I am trying to convert it but slowly starting to hate it too. My AS2 file is perfect, so that will go up on my portfolio, but this one is a mess. New Spotify and Hype Machine tunes are awesome. Shopping at HMV like a bitch. So many tight new jeans! So many Cardies! Gilly Hicks is confusing and wonderful with its giant sea cam screens and bright clothes in dark rooms!

In other news: I am now a Facebook Developer. And downloading Flash Builder. Not bad for someone who doesn't want to be in Marketing anymore!

Friday working on an AE video featuring a shopping trolley going through a supermarket. Friday night sucked, but I made it. Nothing on TV. I am the legend who got Gaga tickets when ours didn't come in though - very excited!

Mom coming to visit end of October! Might bring my sister with!