Friday 27 April 2012

The most fun weekend

Lots of fun with Sarah this weekend - laughed till my stomach hurt.

Read Vida's Maak'it manifesto and very excited!

FINALLY sorted out a niggling Flash problem.

Another site design (Indi Natural Stone). Back at Positive Digital for 3 days - was good to see Chris and the other boys again and have Thai at Fat Boys.

Velvetines gig at the 100 club on Wednesday night was epic - I had so much fun just chilling, listening to the music, chatting to Jose and Marina, dancing with my girl and staying right to the end of the last act (Sonia Leigh).

Friday 20 April 2012

Life goes on

Sarah's parent's 40th anniversary. Watched the last Bruce Lee movie with my parents.

Sarah is back safely, parents are back safely. APO Snowboard competition winners announced. New clients acquired and some good Flash done in way less time than I originally thought! Sewed on the NASA patches Sarah brought from Washington.

Made awesome prawn and courgette lunch. Totally kicking it on After Effects - did a short presentation for Mouse

Me, at home, dancing it off:

Friday 13 April 2012

The super long weekend

Did the charcoal drawing of Bernard this afternoon after catching up 4 months' worth of expenses filing and seeing Sarah off to Washington. Wrapped presents and finished the second last Bruce Lee movie - Game of death.
Went to Roz's birthday in Three Bridges, proposed to by the gays. Loads of work from home falling into place. Watched The Hours, stirred by Mrs Dalloway all over again.

Writing now. Writing loads. Dusted off the sewing machine and fixed a heap of clothes, dropping sizes.
Painted a blackboard onto our pantry cupboard door.
Made the most awesome burger for lunch. Sorted all my writing snippets chronologically into 3 main sections and printed it out, ready to read through on the plane. First 20 seconds of Snowboard clip done! After Effects is awesome!

Geneva, Le Roma hotel and long conversations with my parents. Snowboarding is awesome - sludge makes the best snowboard snow - feels like waterskiing.

Friday 6 April 2012


Started and finished building Jackie's Tarot website on Sunday. Going to St Albans Lost Property this evening to fetch Sarah's shirts. Creating a photobook for the rents. Great Gym session Tuesday night - feeling happily exhausted and healthier. May have to change the photobook to a charcoal drawing - didn't count on the bank holidays.