Friday 24 February 2012

Mort meh

Booked flights to Geneva. Carried on with my NYC digital painting. Finished Terry Pratchett (Mort).

Busiest week so far, at home with flu after going aaaalmost the whole winter without it. Summer is moving slowly into our garden - great, because Sarah was looking for somewhere new to move to, and it wasn't looking all that doable.

Discovered Imgur.

Done a quick site for Jackie.

Friday 17 February 2012

Javel no fine

Redesigning Javel logo.

I am being blessed with a lot of understanding, and trying to put it to good use. When it faltered, I asked the question 'should I let it go?' and the Guide for the Advanced Soul said "love is letting go of fear".

Can sense an almost imperceptible lightness in the morning sky... Javel logo looks like bubblegum hapiness :)

Decided to go snowboarding with my parents while Sarah is in Washington in April.

Colorado video animation experiments ensue.

Friday 10 February 2012

Doesn't matter, had Horchata

Highest jump on my snowboard yet!

Scrap that! Even higher! Had Horchata.
<--- It looked and tasted nothing like that.

 Fell on my ass in the snow park on the last day. Ice skated on my own. Started doodling for the snowboard video.

Friday 3 February 2012


New York... saw two spanish guitarists play in Union Square, saw Alan Rickman in Times Square Broadway, two guys break dancing in the street. Felt like my dad. Ice-skating with Krista in Central Park.

Bought a MULTI-COLOURED PENCIL from the MoMA. Saw Egyptian structures at the Met. Saw the David Hockney I have admired for years and discovered the secret behind his detail is the size of the canvas!

Sent off my sketchbook and started drawing in a new one straight away. Cousin asking advice on her feelings for a girl.