Friday 31 August 2012

Unpacking all weekend and learning the new house. Bought an apple-picker and seeded the lawn. Funny smell in the scullery... Our two-year anniversary! Korma curry from Deliverance! Started Mobile 5 work - going very well. ActionScript level: Mike Strick Jnr. Watched Pride & Prejudice. Following the US elections and watching the Daily Show.

Friday 24 August 2012

Moving day! Lots of rushing around, forgetting keys, cutting keys, forgetting Jim's boys' snacks. Being called by Virgin to arrange installation for Saturday while their guy is busy installing our stuff on the Friday. Attitude from the dishwasher guy and my first plumbing job finishing what he was too much of a d*ckhead to do. Apples apples everywhere. Wednesday I went in to Regent Street to meet Mobile 5 for an independent Flash job - swish offices and nice project! Fencing continues.

Friday 17 August 2012

Totally killed a mosquito on the ceiling with a tie. Had two awesome braais, moved half of our stuff over to Croft Road with the rents' help. Chatted to my sister for long and long.

First fencing class this week!  Was amazing! Good workout and very exciting...

New blog on Maak'it. New header for my digital sphere too :) Got my new phone back. Went out for drinks with Mel and some of her friends on the beach at the Roundhouse in Camden.

Friday 10 August 2012

Curiosity lands on Mars! First Paypal invoice sent :) Packing, olympics, dealing with a water leak from our bathroom into the basement flat. Thanking the universe that we're moving :) British Gas Infographic Interactive complete - Rusty AS2.0 took half a day. Going to see The Woman in Black tonight - free tickets! New image uploaded to Imgur. Woman in Black was terrifying.

OMG I'm on the Guardian website!!
(I did the Interactive Infographic)

Friday 3 August 2012


Watching fencing, swimming, tennis, beach volleyball, shooting - discovered handball. Table tennis, Judo and archery are not as exciting as I thought they would be. Three golds for SA! Sarah organised fencing classes :)  Booked tickets to Australia in December and Geneva after Christmas. Saw Nessie's dungeon puzzle and suggested entering a game competition together. Possible collaboration with Vida on a new website...

Quick tattoo design for Azza

Joined Guardian Soulmates dating site lol. Pushed back successfully on a client project after visuals came back indicating work way out of scope. Virtual awnings installed for Kenrock Estate.