Friday 30 March 2012

Mrs Dalloway, Snowboarding

Finished mrs Dalloway. It was a drag right up to the second-last line... now I don't know! I'm confused!

Made lots of office friends, listened to some dubstep, lunch with a new friend and an invite to a club, arbitration continues.
Re-did the snowboard :) Now I can lay it to rest. Awesome braai tonight.
Three website designs this week making me feel like a designer again. Velvetines gig thursday night, danced right up front.

Realised that my all-time song collection stopped working around the time I realised that collecting music was like collecting water.

Lynda offered us her flat in Wimbledon! Blackheath Halls is doing Carmina Burana - so I volunteered :) It's only one day of rehearsal though...

Monday 19 March 2012

Snowboards, Lady Gaga and Spotify

Finished the APO snowboard design!
Finished the Lady Gaga Americano mixx!
Resisted the temptation on both of those projects to polish it to the nth degree - might still take it up someday. Uploaded Americano to Soundcloud.
eCards were a great success for dad and Bernard! Joined Spotify.

Tried my hand at ASP(.net?) - not half bad going for a total rookie. Downloaded an iPhone app guide to my Kindle - as in, how to build apps.

Statement of claim from Carla Loggie.
Bordering on developer at work, and having to consistently turn down jobs on account of technicality. Not sure if this is a watershed moment, but it feels like it.

Friday 16 March 2012

Out with the old, in with some more white space

TIL that for something to look neat, it doesn't have to be regimented. Huge spring clean this weekend was great.
Got 127 points on an Imgur comment!
New project: using a sharpie to draw comic book lines over magazine photographs. Looking everywhere for speech bubble stickers to add - might consult Loren...
Loren has found printers for me. Legend.

I am very lucky to be reminded of closing cycles more and more often, and taking a pause in between them. Feels great.

Celeste and I have created an awesomely kitsch ecard for my dad, and decided to use a similar thing for Bernard. Never thought it would actually be this much fun.

Logo for Paul, cushions for the Velvetines:

Friday 9 March 2012

Flash, aha

Finally bought Adobe After Effects. On subscription. Also the new Flash (5.5) - Goodbye trusty old CS3. Spitfire snowboard is looking sweet! Emailed Jo. Painted my nails white.

Friday 2 March 2012

Everything in its right place

First braai of the season! Video editing is going slowly, but I'm WAY excited about the Lady Gaga music mixx.

Reading Virginia Woolfe's Mrs Daloway - almost gave up on Tuesday, but I'm back in now.

Watched Sound of Music one night - awesome. Considering moving to Crawley.

Had a writing outburst (undeniably influenced by ms Woolfe) in the coffee shop that helped get rid of things on my mind I didn't even know were there. Felt light as air when I left.

Listened to Kid A in full and in order for the first time ever - in awe.

Mussorgsky started playing as well, and as a continuation of my album drive, I played the whole thing from beginning to end, thinking about the impact one impulsive decision has made. Looking forward to more (starting with that free dance Friday coming up).

Now listening to the full Linkin Park album (Meteora), and for the first time, the separation I have had to cultivate since May last year does not hurt anymore - it actually feels good, like it was the right thing to do.

Made peppermint crisp fridge tart - won't be doing that again.